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Nige78 t1_jedopxa wrote

Not your problem.


Stunning-Profit8876 t1_jednr50 wrote

She has blocked you and you have acknowledged that it is for good reason. Leave her alone. Her new relationship is none of your business even if he is cheating on her. I would potentially tell a mutual friend if you have one, but you absolutely shouldn't be trying to contact her.


[deleted] OP t1_jednzm0 wrote



Mean_Environment4856 t1_jedoxo5 wrote

Valentines day was 6 weeks ago. You have no way of knowing what's happened with them relationship wise since then.. you only think you know.


Amar_Akbar_Anthony20 t1_jedoe91 wrote

She does not want any contact with you if you are blocked on everything. Respect that.


Callmemuddled t1_jedo8uq wrote

Focus on yourself. Her life is none of your business anymore.


SassyQueeny t1_jednwnf wrote

Even if they brake up you will not get back together, so if you have that thought in the back of your mind forget it.

If I was you I wouldn’t do anything, not my circus not my monkeys


zdubb87 t1_jedou73 wrote

“Not my circus, not my monkeys.” I would just Ignore and move on. That chapter is closed, don’t reopen it


Vegetable-Cod-2340 t1_jee866x wrote

I get you’re trying to help, but this isn’t something you want to get involved in.

There is no scenario where she doesn’t think you’re trying to sabotage her relationship to get her back.

If you’re concerned that she will be hurt, maybe give a heads up to one of her friends to be on the lookout, if he’s cheating they’ll find out.


AutoModerator t1_jedni5u wrote

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PotentialAd807 t1_jefxjvy wrote


You want her back and you will do anything to do it. Just let it go, move on and find someone who wants you for you.

By telling her anything would devalue you.


AffectionateWheel386 t1_jedof32 wrote

You can create an account and anonymously let her know, and then let her deal with it how she does. I doubt that she can hear it from you anyway.


[deleted] OP t1_jedola4 wrote



AffectionateWheel386 t1_jedqbz2 wrote

That’s why if you do it anonymously she won’t know that it’s you at all. That’s why I thought she wouldn’t be able to hear you. She would think you were just jealous.