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UsuallyWrite2 t1_jefqebw wrote

I’m a fan of his/hers/ours where we each put in to “ours” to cover shared expenses like rent, utilities, etc based on % of total income then the rest of our earnings goes to our personal accts.

I make a lot more than my partner so I pay more. I also do all of the groceries, cover the vacations, and cover any big house expenses like…new stove or new furniture or whatever.

My partner covers his credit card, stuff for his kiddo, his vehicles, etc. I cover my student loans, credit card, horse/dog expenses, etc.

I don’t think it would be fair in my (44F) situation to have my partner paying 50/50 when I make so much more. And I don’t feel like his money should go to my hobbies and expenses and I don’t want to pay for his if I’m honest.

Everyone is different but this works for us and it makes things so easy! If I want to go buy a horse trailer or he wants a new boat, we don’t even have to discuss it really.


IdaDuck t1_jegiduh wrote

My wife and I are both the same age as you (44). Ever since we got married which was 23 years ago we’ve had completely joint finances. We trust each other and are both frugal by nature so it works. We have no rules per se but out of courtesy we’d generally give the other person a heads up on any bigger discretionary expenses regardless of type. Any major expense like a vacation, home remodel or vehicle would be discussed in advance. In terms of roles we used to both work but since we had our oldest who is 13 now she’s been a stay at home mom and I’ve been the income source.


JealousBed1807 t1_jeg1pfl wrote

This is what I have always done with my wife as well … when we first moved in together I made significantly more than she did so I paid about 75% of our shared expenses as her earnings increased we adjusted the amounts accordingly and we are about 50/50 now