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thegreatmei t1_jegad6r wrote

I was dating someone who I really loved and trusted, but I started getting icked out. I thought it was a me problem, because as far as I knew at the time, nothing in our relationship had changed. I just felt gross and anxious when he touched me, and the feeling grew. I felt like I was losing my mind! I told him that I was dealing with some complicated feelings, but it was really hard to articulate what the issue was because I genuinely didn't know what was going on. I ended up breaking up with him because of it.

Turned out, he'd started cheating on me. I didn't consciously see any signs of cheating. No sudden weirdness about his phone, I didn't catch him in any lies, but the first time he slept with the other woman was the night that I just couldn't be around him without feeling gross. It all lined up later once I found out the truth.

Now, obviously, the wife in the post ( if we can trust OP as a narrator, especially now knowing he has omitted important details ) is giving reasons that don't seem to make sense. It makes me wonder if that's done by design to get a certain reaction from us here.

Should she communicate with him? Definitely. Has she? Hard to say.