Submitted by KeyToTheStorm t3_127qwg7 in relationship_advice

Hey guys,

I (28M) had an awkward situation occur with an acquaintance (24F) last year.

Long story short: She took a liking to me, I didn’t catch on until months later; tension developed.

Ultimately, it was nothing serious and a miscommunication on both of our parts.

After some time had lapsed, I messaged her and apologized for what occurred and took responsibility for my errors.

However, she ignored my message.

I’m okay with this, but in the very near future, we’re going to run in to each other as we both frequent the same places.

I don’t know whether to approach her and let her know not to worry about the whole thing, or completely ignore her as I’ve already tried to rectify the situation?

If it isn’t resolved, there will forever be this awkward tension between us and I’m completely exhausted by it. I feel like I’m walking on egg shells having to dodge this person.

What should I do?

Thank you.

TLDR: Should I talk it out with her or ignore her?



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the-mirrors-truth t1_jefd32b wrote

I think her ignoring it speaks volumes about how she feels on the topic.

If you bump into her maybe try saying hi but don't bring it up further.


AffectionateWheel386 t1_jefk3hf wrote

I would say, let the whole mess golf from the previous incident. When you’re around her, be friendly as friendly as she is with you just read the room basically. There isn’t really anything to fix you already. Apologize do not over apologize.


CADreamn t1_jegidlo wrote

Middle ground - don't ignore her, don't try to talk it out any further. Just act normal around her. Say hi, chat, move on.