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plush_paradox t1_iuj910o wrote

Im not going to say anything, Im going to try to talk to him as little as possible. Thank you a lot for giving that information, I’m gonna sit down and write a plan down now. That’s another thing i won’t miss…. I won’t miss being made to feel useless because im a stay at home mom who doesn’t bring in any income. He likes to make those remarks too, “You live for free with me.” he says. lol


International-Aside t1_iujgrk5 wrote

Just dont leave anything where he may find it. If you need to write it down to organize your thoughts, I suggest destroying it immediately or using code to make it look like a grocery list or something.

You're not worthless. You dont live with him for free. You're raising his children and im sure doing all the housework. Unpaid labor is still labor and he's a POS for not acknowledging that.