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kuddkrig3 t1_iuia9kq wrote

It means that you should let them live their lifes, relationship and probably kink dynamic just as they want. They're both consenting adults, forget that you saw it and carry on.


Redjo52 t1_iuiic3o wrote

Oh mommy. Yeah keep sucking.. oh yeah swallow mommy... who's your good little boy. Who pounds mommy's pussy real good...


Embarrassed_Advice59 t1_iuidqkf wrote

Are you single?

If not, worry about your own relationship. If you are single, find a relationship and worry about that.


ellepre t1_iuibqkk wrote

It means they are most likely into kink and that's ok. Don't laugh at him or shame him, just move on and forget you saw anything.


[deleted] OP t1_iuiby6j wrote

Oh hell naw, I’m never letting him live this down. I won’t shame him but ain’t no I’m letting this go


randomlyrandomrandy t1_iuida7u wrote

So… you ARE going to shame him


[deleted] OP t1_iuif78f wrote

It’ll be an inside joke between us soemthjg like “hey mommy can you pass the salt” during dinner with our parents


GHERU42 t1_iuifhfb wrote

That’s a yes to the shaming then.


[deleted] OP t1_iuifjpx wrote

Why is everyone so sensitive, y’all never do this with your siblings?


GHERU42 t1_iuigby1 wrote

By the age of 27 I realized that there are some things that are playful jokes and others that are shaming.

You’re an adult, maybe try acting like one.


Whydidyoupostthatomg t1_iuinb65 wrote

Im ngl I'm convinced OP is either a troll or added an extra 17 years to the age they claim to be


MatticusFinch89 t1_iuigiwf wrote

I would be furious if my siblings teased me about something like this


Loco_Motive_ t1_iuipius wrote

The sensitivity is probably best explained like this: imagine you enjoy a thing. You are not asking for other‘s opinions, you just want to enjoy the thing in peace. In comes a nosy little cunt that is way too curious about what you are doing.

You don‘t mind too much, the cunt is interested, the cunt get information. Now the cunt has never heard about this thing being enjoyed, so the cunt voices their opinion.

You still don‘t mind. But now the cunt is insecure because you seemed to care so little for their opinion. So they start asking for other people‘s opinion on the thing you enjoy. Now suddenly, everyone is up in your business asking questions and giving out opinions you had never asked for.

The cunt does not even need to say any names, other people will put two and two together. Add to that the fact that the cunt, in their inexorable quest for judgement validation, has likely exacerbated things and misrepresented the thing you enjoy. Not through malintent, just through lack of knowledge.

The consequences range from mildly annoying to downright having legislature created to stop the thing you enjoy because some bigots can‘t live with the thought of you enjoying it.

Hope you get the idea.


MaddMadd- t1_iuis7w1 wrote

I'm with you its a sibling thing I doubt it's that deep to him if you did say something jokingly the comments are def harsh I would joke about this with my brother if this happened lol


Loco_Motive_ t1_iuid1tr wrote

Fuck outta their business. Wth?

With that attitude, the only thing you stand to win is a broken relationship with your brother. You do you, just remember: if you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes.

The only way to really know what it means is to ask him with an open attitude. We don‘t know, either.


tinoxox t1_iuidjqg wrote

What do you mean by “not letting this go”?


[deleted] OP t1_iuif917 wrote

Do you have siblings


LordLuscius t1_iuigmo9 wrote

Look, it's almost on par with giving I'm a hard time if he were gay. Bust his balls for the way he dresses, sure, even his salary, but leave his relationship out of it


tinoxox t1_iuigz8l wrote

I do. Now please explain what you mean by “not letting this go”?


Defiant_Ask_8613 t1_iuib5bf wrote

They have their own personal reasons and you probably don’t want to know any further. Let them live their relationship the way they want. It doesn’t hurt you and they are both consenting adults.


[deleted] OP t1_iuibbkq wrote

I just wanna know what it means


Defiant_Ask_8613 t1_iuibvpc wrote

They could be in a kink dynamic. Maybe he does it in an endearing way because she takes care of him. Maybe she’s a bit more dominant and that’s what she wants/makes him call her. 🤷🏻‍♀️. You could always ask him but that could be opening a whole can of worms. If you want more info, just look up little dynamics within the BDSM world.


childofcraigslist t1_iujqxd1 wrote

What do you think it means when a woman calls a man who is not her father “daddy”?


mechtil_d t1_iuianyb wrote

It means they’re having fun. It isn’t necessarily that deep.


Saesicle t1_iuiegjk wrote

imagine creating a whole ass reddit account just to shame your brother because you find something he does embarrassing, bully behavior tbh, you're a fucking loser

this might be bait, but if it isn't, stop being such an insecure tool and stop being so concerned with your brothers relationship (because THATS weird)

perhaps get a relationship of your own?


yowen2000 t1_iui9o9a wrote

It's probably some kind of roleplay dynamic and/or she plays a dominant role sexually speaking.

It's no different than "daddy" which seems to have been normalized.

Any way, just let them be.


wander_curious t1_iuiczbo wrote

Don't yuk someone else's yum. Sounds like they're having a blast all on their own without your kink shaming.


dannymanSir t1_iui92i2 wrote

Cringe level: Pro max


[deleted] OP t1_iui994b wrote

I know right , it’s so weird 😭😩


polychromiyeux t1_iuiqyv5 wrote

You, OP, are what’s cringe. Let your brother live his life, good on him for knowing what he’s into and finding a like-minded, consenting person to share it with. His relationship is probably more fulfilling than most.


Cool-Pie-7091 t1_iuixc54 wrote

They're talking about your behavior bring cringe, not your brother's dynamic with his gf. Sigh.


Jazzisa t1_iuizp5u wrote

It means that you should pretend you never saw it and butt out of your brother's relationship. It's none of your business.


Complete_Solution471 t1_iuijmtb wrote

“What does this mean?” … 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Eh111986 t1_iuill0p wrote

Why do you care ?


Irishlady84 t1_iuinua0 wrote

There is no way you are 27 asking this. Leave your brother and his relationship alone


C_saysboo t1_iuiq5kf wrote

It means you should stay out of their business.


Midia00 t1_iuixo7v wrote

Well I'm sure now you know what it means even if that's none of your busuness. I saw some of your comments and you really need to grow up. For info, I have siblings so I know about making fun of each other but ONLY if noone is hurt by it. You should never do that with his kink, that wouldn't just poking fun but shaming him for it. Honestly you attitude is super annoying, if making fun of him is more important than how he would feel about it, then you should be ashamed of yourself. Nothing to do wirh being sensitive, it's just caring about your siblings' feelings. If your brother don't care about you poking fun, well good, but he may not be ok with it when it concerns something so personal so think about that before doing anything.


Fifizzi t1_iuj4xl2 wrote

It’s kink stuff. Don’t bring it up in conversation, don’t bust his balls over it. Stay OUT of his bedroom business. I do have siblings and would never bring up their bedroom habits EVER. You’re being weird and immature.


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Hbublbiba t1_iuinqce wrote

I talked to a guy who called me mommy. I never knew why, thought it might have something to do with a mom fetish or something, but he said that wasn’t the reason. But he also gaslit me and confused me all the time, maybe it was one of his stupid mind games.


Technical-Rent-7666 t1_iuiwq7h wrote

I don’t understand why you’re getting so much hate OP wow people are really sensitive it seems.


UnsightlyFuzz t1_iuini8l wrote

LMAO, is your brother Mike Pence?

Sorry. Could'nt resist.


PusssieHound t1_iuilq72 wrote

Very strange behavior. Just tell him it's very weird and if she keeps doing it, his friends are going to find out and ride that joke for years to come.


[deleted] OP t1_iui9cnr wrote



sadstrawberryboy t1_iuioq9b wrote

That’s the point. People who have trauma relating to their parents usually transform it into a kink.


[deleted] OP t1_iui9p3q wrote

Right like there is so many other names you can call an SO
