Submitted by NotACelestialBeing t3_yiemvo in relationship_advice

So my girlfriend will go to therapist for the first time tomorrow and I don't know if I should go with her. I won't be going inside, just waiting outside. I think it's a big step for her mental health and I want to support her.

Yesterday I asked her if she wants me to be there, she was hesitant to answer and said lets discuss it later. She also said we have work tomorrow and I should sleep, because her appointment is very early in the morning and work starts later. I don't understand if It was her telling me not to go (I suck at reading subtext).

So I really don't know if I should push for it and ask again or wait for her to start the conversation, or just do nothing and meet her at work and ask how everything went (we don't live together). Am I pushing boundaries asking for something like that? She's been open to me about her struggles, so I really don't know (we have been together for almost a year now). I just want to support her when she comes out there and I'm worried for her being alone at that moment. But at the same time, I don't want to be pushy like I'm trying to insist on being there if it's something she is not comfortable with. I don't know how to ask again, cuz I feel like I sound like an asshole who doesn't take her right for privacy seriously.

So should I ask again? And how? Or should it to be coming from her?



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samzimms t1_iui7vfr wrote

Say something like, "If you want me to be there, let me know and I will be there. If not, I'll see you when we both get to work. Either way you have my full support."


Lux_Brumalis t1_iui7xtn wrote

She knows you’re willing and available to go with her - I feel like bringing it up again might come off as pushy. If you really feel like you should though, bring it up one last time: “Hey, I just wanted to make sure you knew that I want you to be comfortable tomorrow. How can I best support you?” And then accept that whatever her answer is, it is the truth


aquasun21 t1_iui8173 wrote

Say, "I want to support you in the best way possible, whatever that is. So I will be there in a heart beat if you want, and if not, I'll pick you up when you're done. I love you & I'm proud of you"


Guilty_Hunter9304 t1_iui8vib wrote

If she knows the offer to go with her is there, she'll take you up on it if she needs.

Your approach was right, let her know you'll go with her but you'll wait outside for her.


Dembos09 t1_iuihetb wrote

Make her dinner. She doesn’t seem to be sure to want you to be there. Be nice and don’t interact directly with the therapy and for me making her a nice diner would be a good way to show it.