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Practiccount OP t1_iujvux2 wrote

based on what ive read most people in my age range cant afford a house in the current market thats why i said im lucky. and yes this has been a issue ive brought up with her before and she says she working on it i just dont see much progress but im trying my best to be supportive.


juliaskig t1_iuk4fxn wrote

Sorry, but you have a baby woman. That's why her parents sat you down, and decided they and you, should determine your wife's fate.

She has broken off from them, and there are four people in your relationship.


Neonpinx t1_iuk04kq wrote

Tell her the truth about her parents. You would be foolish to get married and have kids with someone this attached and controlled by parents who see her as a baby incubator who doesn’t have the right to her body autonomy.