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notdeadpool t1_iujlfz1 wrote

I think he sounds great. It is totally natural to think like that as that stage of life commitment stuff is scary. I have been with my partner for 15 years now and we had the same wobbles at the beginning. I think the fact that you had an open an honest chat about it is really positive. As long as you work together to solve problems, it will work.


New-Assistant-7442 OP t1_iujm1s8 wrote

Thank you for this. The other comment on here scared me a bit lol but I think my boyfriend is absolutely wonderful and I am glad we can honestly chat about everything. I have never had that level of coommunication in a relationship before so that makes me happy


notdeadpool t1_iujnbz7 wrote

It is all about honesty and trust. If you can keep these and have fun then you are totally fine. Part of the trust bit is to trust that future you can deal with anything that comes your way, trust you can talk about it and be honest about your feelings.

Don't be scared, no red flags here.