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No-Program-8185 t1_iuk72v1 wrote

Oh girl. I've been in a similar situation when my parents had to learn I dropped out of the university (not dropped out, I just started working too much and stopped attending classes) when an official document was required at some point.

What I did is I wrote them a letter, I couldn't face the live conversation. So maybe that's what you also could do. Write a letter on paper (better than a text message on a social network). However, I feel like it's best to do that BEFORE that friend starts calling the uni. Or at the same time. By the time she's called the uni and found out you haven't been there, their suspicion will strengthen and they'll be reading the letter with less approval than if you make it before that lady starts doing her thing.


No-Program-8185 t1_iuk7orr wrote

And the MOST IMPORTANT thing here is that it's not the end of the world. Seriously. The world will not crush because you've told them. And after you tell them both those things - in a letter or live, or in a text - a huge burden will be off your shoulders and your parents will get a chance to actually help you.

This may sound like something you've heard a million times but your parents actually love you. They may feel shocked but in the end, they love you and will most likely accept what happened. And I wish you get all the help you need because depression is awful. Wish you all the best in this.