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razzledazzle626 t1_iuk31o8 wrote

Plenty of men don’t like it. You need to respect that.


[deleted] OP t1_iuk35hy wrote



razzledazzle626 t1_iuk370l wrote

Yes, the advice is to respect his boundary.


[deleted] OP t1_iuk3bhr wrote



lily3388 t1_iuk49ro wrote

So… why aren’t you respecting his boundaries?


Mixedupmay t1_iuk4ti9 wrote

Dude, you can't possibly be serious? You're trolling right? My bf is also younger than me and the last thing I'd do is give him any bate to call me a cougar or dear god - "Mommy". Like... be grateful he stopped at "cougar" and respect his boundaries. He's not into your kink, don't force it on him. And if it matters to you that much ("the only thing that makes you happy" - seriously?) then find someone your own age or older, they are more likely to enjoy being called daddy. But also, just... work on your understanding of consent and stop trying to figure out how to force your bf to bend to your will, it's not ok, he's a person, not a sextoy.


420basscat t1_iuk5nc9 wrote

I think a better take away is you two are not compatible. If it’s something you really like and he really hates that’s really all there is to it.

You can’t force him to be ok with it. Just as he can’t force you to not want to call him daddy. If it’s something you REALLY like to do and cannot honor his request for you to stop then at the end of the day you just are NOT compatible.

Neither of you are wrong for your preference, sometime you just won’t see eye to eye with people.


peakpenguins t1_iuk3a26 wrote

>He constantly calls me cougar, but like, how can I be a cougar if I’m human?

That's where the trolling became most obvious, but for other people reading this, yeah some people just aren't into "daddy", or "mommy" for that matter.


[deleted] OP t1_iuk54ma wrote



peakpenguins t1_iuk5caf wrote

Wow, that was harsh. I can't believe you called me that.


staunchgoblin t1_iuk65m7 wrote

I love penguins. They are cute. Except for their mouth, that's horrific shit right there.


Lulquanlovereddit24 t1_iuk3ahj wrote

So your upset he's calling a word you don't like because YOUR calling him something he doesn't like

Play stupid games win stupid prizes

You knew he doesn't like it but you kept at it anyway and your shocked he's calling you something you don't like?


[deleted] OP t1_iuk51qy wrote



iwantwindtoglow t1_iuk68fo wrote

Oooo so scary, who cares your an Aquarius, expect your ass to be dumped soon.


Lulquanlovereddit24 t1_iuk6evo wrote

Bruh I'm also an aquarius what does your zodiac have to do with this shit?

He doesn't like to be called daddy yet you're not listening don't be shocked when he break up with you.

We're trying to help you but you won't listen to reason


misanthropewolf11 t1_iuk3ta8 wrote

Obvious Troll is obvious.


[deleted] OP t1_iuk4iln wrote



Lulquanlovereddit24 t1_iuk67bm wrote

What did you expect? Your not respecting your boyfriend's boundaries and to stop calling him daddy

He said he doesn't like it you won't listen and now you're getting a taste of your own medicine


dailysoaphandle t1_iuk4l1w wrote

“What man wouldn’t love that?”

Me, I don’t like it. It’s creepy AF. Advice, don’t do it, or find someone else who likes it.


Mean_Environment4856 t1_iuk4mh4 wrote

>I somehow managed to fall for one of the few guys out there who doesn’t want to be called Daddy.

Hate to tell you, theres less men who like it than you think.


Derrsfactory t1_iuk33mf wrote

Do you know what a cougar is in this context.


peakpenguins t1_iuk3n9k wrote

Obviously a large cat native to the Americas.


[deleted] OP t1_iuk5938 wrote



Derrsfactory t1_iuk5x1p wrote

Cougars are women typically between 30 and 50 who exclusively go after men in their late mid and early 20s.

Similarily men in their 50+ who are attractive and have greying hair are commonly called silver foxes.


KiwianaQuiche t1_iuk4dql wrote

>he's taking away the one thing that makes me really happy.

Calling your bf Daddy is literally the only thing that makes you really happy? I suggest therapy tbh that's rly weird


Sattalyte t1_iuk4l2v wrote

Is that he doesn't like the specific word 'Daddy' or that he doesn't like being dominant?

Because if it's the former, you just need to find a word that pushes your buttons, but he's OK with. Try Sir, Master, Captain, Commander, Your Majesty, Doctor. Whatever.

He its dominance he's not OK with, then that really points to sexual incompatibility.


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staunchgoblin t1_iuk3ls4 wrote

Ya, I dont like it either. Huge turn off. If you get to keep calling him that, does he get to call you things that he doesn't like?


[deleted] OP t1_iuk5p8u wrote



staunchgoblin t1_iuk6kuv wrote

I meant you, but ya. If he's not into it, why push it? It'd be like him saying "spicypasta sucks cuz it tastes bad and I hate it", I'm sorry that I had to be that harsh but just trying to show a point.


BigBointer t1_iuk5fid wrote

If you cannot give this up then it’s time to break up


mayyiscool t1_iuk5hti wrote

Probably cs he just doesn’t like it. A lot of guys don’t like it. Most of them say that they imagine their daughters saying it


EntertainerFlat t1_iuk5if6 wrote

If this isn't just a stupid made of post....cut it out. Plenty of guys would find it very squicky to be called daddy. Respect his boundary or you will lose him and rightfully so.


makingthegreatest t1_iuk67jx wrote

You need therapy. Hes not taking anything away hes setting up a boundary and youre playing victim. He may have trauma ffs. And here you are being self interested and abusive by crossing that boundary over and over. Hope he ditches you and you never find a daddy.


monkeygodbob t1_iuk3frz wrote

Just break up, find some guy who is okay with being called daddy. I find it weird, and a turn off, personally.


missy033 t1_iuk3of9 wrote

You both need to meet in the middle and figure out a better term to use. Your going to push him away if you continue to call him Daddy


[deleted] OP t1_iuk67df wrote



missy033 t1_iuk6ifg wrote

I think you’re ur better off finding someone else 🤦🏼‍♀️