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bweep t1_iui9il2 wrote

You need to realize that you guys are not friends. You are making up any excuse not to go see her, and she is being totally disrespectful to you making out with her boyfriend in front of you.


lonelyonaspecialday OP t1_iuiayqj wrote

Making up any excuse? Sorry, but being hospitalized for my gallbladder 7 times in the past 6 months and being a little apprehensive to expose myself to a sick person does not mean I do not care about her. I literally had to claw my way back in to my health, so yeah, I feel I have a right to be a little bit concerned. I still came.

And, yes I do find her cupcaking with him constantly disgusting, I know for a fact that she cares about me too. People are people and we make mistakes and my original question was if I am being out of line for being annoyed at the situation, not if I felt we were friends or not.


bweep t1_iuiynvc wrote

I had the same problems with my gallbladder, so I had it removed, and all the problems stopped. Any doctor who wouldn't take out your gallbladder after being hospitalized 7 times is negligent. They should have taken it out after the second time. If this has caused you to lose income you might have a malpractice case.


WeeklyConversation8 t1_iuj0jr1 wrote

No kidding. I had gallstones 15 years ago. I was told they can treat it, but the odds are good they would return, so I decided surgery as I didn't want to go through the pain I kept having. It got so much worse the week before the surgery which showed I had made the right choice.


lonelyonaspecialday OP t1_iujekod wrote

It’s been a long journey with my gallbladder. The pain started about 6 months ago, and each time I went to the hospital they did blood work, CT scans, MRIs and ultrasounds and it was the 6th doctor that finally listened to me that ordered a HIDA scan and showed I had low ejection fraction. The last time I went was after I was diagnosed, they just said I was having a flare up. I’m supposed to meet with a surgeon this week actually but I’m terrified. I’ve heard scary things about gallbladder removal, like diarrhea all the time and bile reflux


bweep t1_iuji1c4 wrote

When I got my gallbladder out, I had a 4cm stone and it was about to rupture. After having it out, I had indigestion for about 3 weeks, and then after that nothing, I can eat whatever I want. If you were to get diarrhea after surgery, there are ways to treat it, like taking a bile salts supplement or just eating less fat in your diet.

Please don't leave yourself in pain because you are afraid of the side effects. I know it's scary, but there are ways around it if it does happen. I know when I had gallbladder attacks, they were comparable in pain to when I was in labor. You shouldn't have to endure that.


The_Duchess_of_Dork t1_iuiip34 wrote

It makes sense you wouldn’t visit her while dealing with all that! Illness takes so much out of us (on top of time to heal, overwhelming emotions to deal with, need to be safe, less $ available and PTO, etc.) Some young people really don’t understand this (in my experience as being someone who has health issues while I was young).

You should talk to her about how you went out there and A. the making out with her bf/not giving you dedicated time and B. how she didn’t help with the boundary you set of him not hugging you etc!

She hasn’t taken your illness seriously at any turn it seems.