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tickleyourfanny t1_iuiid5r wrote

What overthinking? You are making a statement, stating what happened. Your gf guy friend called her a 'sexy ass pumpkin'....there is no thinking there, that is something that happened. Now if you are thinking that it means he wants to bend that pumpkin over and mash the insides with his penis, then that is the thinking part. But you aren't saying that, you are just stating what was said, which is just a fact.


Sufficient_Throat_37 OP t1_iuijorf wrote

I think it pretty obvious what I'm overthinking, if there's is anything going on between them


tickleyourfanny t1_iuikdmh wrote

its only obvious to you...How about you post a pic of your gf in her costume. Cuz frankly some women dress up sexy for halloween, so he would just be stating the facts. You're a guy though, so guess what? you already know he wants to mash your girlfriends inside with his giant penis.

You know who would know if anything is going on between them? not the internet who doesn't know either of them, but the two of them. So why dont you ask your GF. You have a relationship built on mutual trust and honesty right? lol


Sufficient_Throat_37 OP t1_iuilj0q wrote

It's not a costume, literally just a pumpkin printed shirt and some jeans, the thing is I've never heard anyone else apart from me call her that so I'm questioning if it's even alright to call someone's gf "sexy ass pumpkin" and you are right, only I can find out, I won't ask her tho because I will just be called insecure and I actually trust her but you know how we guys overthink even the lil things


DonerDonDada t1_iuinure wrote

I mean what do you mean "is it alright?" Like was he out of pocket or flirting with her? Probably. Is she in control of what this guy thinks or says? Not really.

Like are you asking if you get to be mad at her, or mad at him, or what? I don't think you can conclude that there's anything going on between the two of them just for that but I would be side eyeing the guy pretty hard. I know I wouldn't say that to a woman I knew had a partner myself. But whether that has anything to do with her is another question entirely


Sufficient_Throat_37 OP t1_iuioqut wrote

I know I can't say there's anything between them but like you said calling someone's gf that is a bit too much and the fact that she likes it is also sketchy to me...she can't control what others say but she can control her reaction and who she hangs out with, she had good male friends they respectful and honest but this one is just not a friend


No_Copy_5473 t1_iuip98g wrote

yeah her reaction and encouragement of it is what would bother me


DonerDonDada t1_iuiqb8i wrote

Okay so the thing that's bothering you is that she accepted the compliment and it didn't make her uncomfortable? Or do you think she's cheating? I think if it's the first thing that's fair, did you say that to her? In the moment what could she have done differently, and what could she do now to make you feel better about it? Is there actually anything specific you think would help or do you not think you can get past this?

I'm not trying to tell you you're wrong btw it just doesn't sound to me like you've really thought through what you actually want here. I don't think it's unreasonable for it to bother you that she seemed into it, I'm just not sure what that gets you besides feeling like you're right here and she's wrong. You need to figure out why exactly this bothered you and what you want from her now that it's happened for you to feel like the issue is resolved, and then bring that to her and see what she says. If she's like "oh my bad, I can see why that upset you here's how I'll do it differently next time" and that's good enough for you you have no more problems, but if she's unwilling to do anything differently and this really bothers you, you have your answer. Good luck my guy


Sufficient_Throat_37 OP t1_iuiruk1 wrote

You are so kind, what I want her to do is be careful with who she hangout with and don't take their flirting as some sort of validation and be happy with it, it gives them the wrong idea but I know she won't because we already talked about it before so I'm feeling like she is playing around and that is upsetting...if she is okay with it I will also start calling my girl friends sexy ass lol


JMRDALLAS t1_iuilfld wrote

@tickleyourfanny you suck, go dig a hole then lay down inside, wait until someone finds the shovel you left outside the hole to bury you. To the dude with the pumpkin girlfriend, if she ain't wifey material to you the don't expect loyalty from any girl, otherwise she doesn't need any male "friends". Friends my ass, more like options if current bf don't work out. The complements are very disrespectful towards you, highly inappropriate. It's common knowledge men and women can't stay friends. Usually the man will start lusting, and most women know this! The difference is that some women enjoy the thrill of flirting with infidelity. My advice, don't invest to much feeling until you study up on this behavior. Save yourself the heartache.✌🏽


tickleyourfanny t1_iuiluch wrote

hey lookie a comment troll, clamoring for this sub? no I don't believe it.

>JMRTEXAS u/JMRDALLAS 74 Karma 1 Post Karma 73 Comment Karma 2 years ago Joined Jul 29, 2020

go crawl back under the bridge.