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yowen2000 t1_iujyjmn wrote

Tell your parents you are taking them out of the equation where your dating life is concerned. Then follow that up, but not spending time at your place with him. Would that be possible? Do you two have other places you can hang out?


Abezethibodtheimp OP t1_iuk70i6 wrote

Yeah, that’s what I’ve done. At this point from you and other comments I can see I’m probably not going to be able to introduce them to anyone. We have a few other places, honestly I should know my house is off limits. Thanks for the advice, its nice to get an outside perspective :)


yowen2000 t1_iuk8fx1 wrote

You're welcome. I don't know how your otherwise feel about your parents, but if they are reasonable there is this argument:

"would you rather dial it back with the interrogations of my boyfriend so that we still come around here, so you can share in that part of my life, or would you like me to proceed never bringing this or any other boyfriend home?"