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Paranoia_Pizza t1_iuk2pan wrote

OK, it sounds like she's told you before and you're not hearing her.

These are the things to ask yourself:

What pisses her off most in the world? What is happening when she begins to look exasperated, sad or annoyed? How much quality time do you get together? How much time does she get to look after herself?

I'm really generalising her but quite often women do all the emotional labour in a relationship & to me it sounds like that's what's happening for you you just don't see it. However I could be completely wrong which is why I've listed out the above


Legitimate_Shirt513 OP t1_iuk2v8q wrote

You’re probably 100% right. I’m sure she’s tried to communicate her needs, I’m also 100% sure I didn’t get the memo.


Paranoia_Pizza t1_iuk36zw wrote

It's really hard and I get that. Have you had a think about the questions above?

Honestly, my first guess would be house work and quality time. But that'd just an educated guess lol