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hunnie_bee_ OP t1_iuev789 wrote

Reply to comment by IndigoTrailsToo in Is this cheating? by hunnie_bee_

I am interested in it! He was the nicest man I’ve ever met, and I was so excited for a potential future with him. It really hurt when he didn’t respond at all, and it just didn’t seem like something he would do. I was really invested in him, but he kinda broke my trust with this

ETA, Halloween is also my favorite holiday, and I just don’t want to spend it alone


IndigoTrailsToo t1_iuevowv wrote

Why don't you leave him a message and say that Halloween is your favorite holiday and that you don't want to be alone. Maybe both of you can hang out on that day. Casual.

Or maybe you decide to not be alone but not sleep with someone else.


Appropriate_Title135 t1_iufb3yi wrote

No? Is she a dog? She texted him many times. She should stop now. Don’t give her stupid advice’s