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Donutduchess t1_iuipvw2 wrote

I never said it was a slight to women.

I did say this line is touted mostly/only to women. And pointed out how you say this while so upset at the notion of her not going out of her way to give him orgasms.

I never lobbied any accusation about OP's boyfriend. The only thing I said was if he wanted X he would ask for X.

The only sweeping statement I have made is just now when I said your line is something mostly/only directed to women.

It's really odd you trying to twist this as me generalizing men or attacking men when the only gender I generalized was just now and it's women.🤣


drfishdaddy t1_iuiruyv wrote

>As the manosphere loves to tout about women

>Heck society tells women to just enjoy the journey and she doesn't need an orgasm so he is doing way better than most women.

>quality sexual experience doesn’t mean orgasm is only/mostly directed at women.

You and I have a different understanding of the concept of generalizing/sweeping statement.


Donutduchess t1_iuis4z0 wrote

I never said I didn't generalize in fact I said I my only generalizarion was about women.

You didn't catch me in anything. I said I generalized women and you in fact showed that.

Your quotes dismantle your entire stance. I never attacked men. I never generalized men. I never accused OP bf of being a selfish lover.

I DID generalize and say women get bs copiute directed at the about their lack of orgasms.

My only mention of men in any context is like I said before about the manosphere which is a subset of men and even smaller population as it is about specific online spaces. Like damn dude you see me talk about a specific online group of men and boom that's generalizing all/most


drfishdaddy t1_iuititu wrote

So to be clear, “the manoshpere” is not a word for men as a collective? When society tells women something, that isn’t representative of men? When something is only directed at women, you of course meant by other women, right?