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FightingtheGravity03 t1_iui5q1g wrote

Your situation is really scary! Gary sounds like a psycho! It sounds like he has a double personality. Something in his head isn't right. Gary needs therapy and medication.

I think it would be fair to end the relationship over it. You don't want to get stuck with Gary. And you don't want to be someone who abuses you in front of your children. Being with someone who has mental health troubles can be exhausting. And you already have a full plate with the kids, chores, and work. You have to look out for yourself.

By the sound of Gary's rant, it sounds like he doesn't want to be a parent. Someone who wants to parent wouldn't bitch about helping out with kids. Or helping out around the house to make things easier.


ThrowRA240922 OP t1_iuji573 wrote

Thank you so much for the response. It does feel scary. I feel like I have to at least talk to him before I decide that I have to end things, see if he realizes how alarming this was and if he'd be open to addressing it on a deeper level than "counseling for his anger". If not then I really have no choice but to leave...especially for my kids' sake.