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DazzlingPotion t1_iuimwad wrote

The MOTHER of a grown woman called you to blame you for the breakup? 🚩🚩🚩🚩

Listen, I know you’re hurting but you seriously need to analyze that move. Do you really want a potential lifetime of your GF (wife??) whining that she doesn’t get enough attention and then her MOTHER calling you to complain??

You are still young and there are “so many fish in the sea” as they say.

It sure sounds like she’s just covering for her own infidelity and trying to put it on you.

Time will heal this wound and you’ll be much better off for it.

My best advice is for you to reach out for support from family and friends and do your best to move on, then sit back and enjoy the indignation on her part when you don’t go groveling back to her. Good luck, you deserve better.