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BraveCorporateLogo t1_iujwz1z wrote

Imagine being 35 and playing games like this. They agreed on casual, and that’s what they got. OP needs to stop modelling her life after rom-coms. And now in the last 40 minutes she’s made three separate posts about this


GHERU42 t1_iujxgrw wrote

Too many Hallmark movies ruins some women the same way too much porn can ruin some men: Exaggerated expectations and an over inflated sense of self worth.


dupattaluella t1_iujyr6e wrote

YES!! 1000 times yes! My husband says the same thing except he uses rom coms and Disney fairytales for his examples.

It's also really funny to see women saying they want to be equal to men, yet won't put in equal effort when it comes to relationships.


dupattaluella t1_iujyt06 wrote

She's 35 and single. She's probably been playing games her entire dating life.