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inna_hey t1_iui9lo4 wrote

>he doesn't want to lose me from his life but that he cant be in a relationship right now

uh, i mean, it sounds like he DID break up with you? I'm confused


pentaco t1_iuj3nqn wrote

This is how my wife asked for a divorce 🤣 exact words and all


Playful-Discussion-4 t1_iujmvpg wrote

Same here. after 7 years Marriage she just said.
I don't want to lose you. You are a good man a good father, but I don't feel like I want to be in a relationship.


ItsMegsBitches t1_iuj9jwp wrote

No, OP is confused. You have it right. She was, indeed, dumped.


cheesypuzzas t1_iujg74h wrote

Yeah, I was waiting for the "and then we decided to not break up, but just move out instead" but that didn't come.


jownesv t1_iujieqx wrote

What a shithouse! Sorry to hear op :(


lilmsbalindabuffant t1_iujq3kv wrote

She's still processing. And maybe he waffled too much and gave her a straw to clutch at. It's clear the relationship is over, though. "can't have an intelligent conversation" oh jeez