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blondeboomie t1_iujlpmh wrote

Sorry boo, you got dumped.

Also, he basically called you dumb, annoying and DREADS COMING HOME TO YOU?!? That isn't really the soulmate level shit you think it is. Especially since you guys have had 5-years to figure it out! Pressure (of 2 people and anmials being in a bachelor suite) can either make diamonds or it can make crap, and it sounds like it's made crap.

I know it's hard right now, but when you look back at this relationship in a year or two - without the rose colored glasses you have on right now - you're going to see how it just wasn't the one. I used to think that my ex was my soulmate because we kept finding our way back to eachother, so it had to be fate! But now that I've stepped back I can see it for what it was. I was constantly an anxious mess because I could never predict what would start a fight (and I use the term "fight" loosely, since it was more him getting mad/being rude about something I did or didn't do). I told my therapist once that I couldn't imagine my life without him, and the thought alone brought me to tears and she played the devils advocate and said that maybe the reason I feel that way is because I've lost my sense of self in this relationship by trying to hard to make it work and the reason I can't imagine my life without him is because I don't know who I am without him. At the time, I thought she was wrong. 3 years post breakup, she was absolutely right. Your ex didn't bother to try and make things better (and if he did it really wasn't working), his resentment kept building to a point where he strongly dislikes mundane things that you do. That is not a functional relationship, and there isn't really any saving it because that's all he sees now so while he still likes you as a friend, any hint of romance will be laced with those resentments. I hope you find healing and a love that doesn't need 5-years to flourish or fizzle. <3