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susgodtraplord t1_iuj39vv wrote

Is it possible for you to get a job through your school? I worked in a cafeteria in undergrad for some extra spending $ and it didn’t interfere much with my schoolwork- either that or pick up a part time on the weekends. Do you have insurance?


mganga_mzungu OP t1_iuj47co wrote

School only provides unpaid internships. And I don't really have time to work as my uni is a bit different than most and I'm usually at uni from 8am to 8pm mon-sat. I don't have insurance but I do pay for health care through the student union.


susgodtraplord t1_iujcnqr wrote

Does your school have a mental health resources office? If you get health insurance through the school, you may be able to recieve mental health care through your uni, or even perhaps find a local therapist that would accept your insurance. I totally get the time constraints- that sounds really tough. Maybe an online WFH job could give you what you need? Something simple like data entry from home or secretarial work that would still give you time to do your schoolwork.