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bigoof12 t1_iuj1wx2 wrote

Why do you need to drink to the point of getting very drunk? If you're not a nice drunk but it's something you keep doing, then maybe you should stop drinking and take a look at your "relationship" with alcohol. Drinking is fine, but like anything overdrinking can lead (and has lead) to problems


Illustrious_Video687 t1_iuj3yh1 wrote

I will say I did not get this drunk on purpose. And in the entire time I’ve been dating him this is about the second time either of us have gotten drunk together. I know this can come off as a bit defensive but typically having some drinks just makes me really talkative and silly and sometimes a bit handsy.

I will say I definitely do not plan to ever drink on an empty stomach again and definitely will never be getting excessively drunk around him.