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wigglebuttbiscuits t1_iuimyzo wrote

She's not wrong that if her bills are paid and her child is fed, it's really not your business to criticize how she spends. If the most she's ever asked you for is a frozen pizza you'd offered in the first place, it's not like she's taking advantage of you. I understand why you think she should make different choices, but you should step back.


JannaNYC t1_iuiquwj wrote

>She does get gov. Assistance

Her bills are paid on my dime, your dime, OP's dime. I wouldn't watch someone take my tax dollars then waste them while at the same time expecting me to feed them. Of course, I'd never be friends with this person in the first place.

Friends in need are welcome anytime. Friends in greed are not.


thesocialmediadetox t1_iuivecp wrote

I agree with this, for once, but just because I think it's apparent that she's focused all her excess money on herself rather then her child. 70 dollars on seffora? A hotel trip to get laid out of town? People on government support deserve to do nice things for themselves to but this seems excessive and like her child never benefits from it. Some benefits you only get if you have a child and most individual adults have a harder time qualifying because of it. Makes me wonder if she'd qualify without her child.


[deleted] t1_iujzv67 wrote

So you think because she gets government assistance which, in part, comes from your taxes, that you have a right to tell her what to spend her money on? Controlling much? She literally asked OP for a frozen pizza for her child. It’s hardly asking for much.


VictreeS OP t1_iuiuqla wrote

Definitely starting to take steps back. That’s the way I’ve been looking at it, she isn’t taking advantage of me but if she were to ever ask me for anything, I wouldn’t want to give it to her. Starting to think that in itself says enough :/