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amairani0919 t1_iydpqeb wrote

Maybe he was watching the show then got bored and decided to masturbate. Hopefully he wasn’t masturbating to the show and just had the show in the background while he did his thing. Or maybe I’m wrong and he had bad intentions. I think you should ask him


Kooky_Independent656 t1_iydpyqq wrote

I was thinking that too...maybe it was just in the background


Calasy t1_iydzt2u wrote

With headphones on? I watched that anime, it'd be weird af masturbating while hearing kids' voices.


Kooky_Independent656 t1_iye0iww wrote

Yes very true...I didn't think about that


cesttres t1_iye378y wrote

IDK the other day I was on tiktok and got horny about a girl. Started masturbating. When I realized what was on the screen, I was masturbating to some guy who gives his chef dad weird prompts. Lol it was weird.


JulyKimono t1_iydyjjk wrote

I just need a clarification because I made the mistake of clicking your post history.

Is a person that's into gumball porn judging another for jacking off to intentionally oversexualized anime?

(Not that I'm saying it's wrong, just the double standards much...)


melasuarus t1_iydvygd wrote

Not a kid show....and idk if you have seen some of the characters but they are definetly geared towards male teenagers. Very revealing clothes, big boobs with low cut costumes. Anime is not kids tv show either. Most animes are geared towards the male audience.

He is not into child porn, he just fell for the anime boobies. I'm sure if you google it there would be a million results for my hero porn. They love to sexualize the women in animes. Cosplaying is also HUGE.


Pretty-Assumption569 t1_iye1wbr wrote

aren’t the characters literally underage


melasuarus t1_iye34hd wrote

Some. They are all voiced by adults btw. But there are tons of teachers, villains, and pro heros of age that follow the oversexualized female form. There is maybe like 2 females that are underage but are definetly oversexualized as well.

Lets just say he's not wanking it to a 6 year old playing with my little pony.


Sinfull7 t1_iye2d0g wrote

Yeah most are. Lots aren’t as well like the “Pro Heroes” and such.


crsx_28 t1_iyduite wrote

You’re going to hve to confront him about this, also my hero academia is an anime and not a kids shows lol, regardless still odd. When I read your tittle I thought he was watching Nickelodeon. You should talk to him and let him tell you his side.


themanfromUNCLE100 t1_iydq7zu wrote

Before you jump to conclusion that whether he was masturbating to a kids show it can happen the show was going on and he was fantasizing about you or some girl and masturbating. The answer also lies in his web search history and tiktok account he watches. If it's underage girls then leave.


3ThreeFriesShort t1_iyds07f wrote

I feel like people are going to get mad, but that isn't a kid's show. It's more like a teenager and adult show. It's anime voiced by adult actors. Even if we go by the fictional age of the fictional characters they are canonically teenagers, and of fictional legal age in many countries even though the show doesn't depict them in any kind inherently sexual situations.

I mean its a little odd, but I don't think its pedophilia. Your title makes it sound like he was jerking off to Icarly or Sesame Street. You are free to think its weird, free to leave even of course, but I just don't see the victim here.

(Lets just save some time before someone comments, no I don't do this so I am not justifying anything.)


TiredOldLamb t1_iydttid wrote

He was prolly beating it to All Might.


stevencri t1_iydpgth wrote

Definitely confront him and consider leaving. The characters in MHA are around 15 years old. The classic argument is that it’s just a cartoon, that anime characters are put through adult conflicts and situations, and that they’re sometimes drawn in sexual ways. But when it boils down to it, just the thought of jerking off to someone that’s 15 years old should be disgusting


Zacherius t1_iydwniq wrote

Now hear me out - sometimes I'll have a tug while watching something else. Usually I'll pause it, not always.

Is it possible he was just masturbating, and there happened to be a TV show playing? You never know when the urge strikes...


Long_Somewhere_368 t1_iyecsqa wrote

I think a lot of women definitely don’t get this. It doesn’t matter what’s going on around you sometimes the urge hits and you’re gonna pop one out nothing else is on your mind


pineboxwaiting t1_iydpgik wrote

Why do people move in together so quickly?

Yes, leave him.



Argentina4Ever t1_iydqc3k wrote

Moving in is perfectly fine and even preferable so you learn who the other person is fast, just do not ever marry xd


pineboxwaiting t1_iydszqd wrote

Not at the 9 month mark. When things go to hell (like this), it’s much more difficult to break up and walk away than it would otherwise be.


PaleAsFuck90 t1_iydtikr wrote

So how long should one wait? For me it took 3 and a half year until I realised my first ex was trash.


nashamagirl99 t1_iyei4vo wrote

The title overstates the situation. It’s a generally popular anime and he was masturbating while watching, not necessarily to the show. Also she’s gotten off on Amazing World of Gumball porn so if it was to the show it seems like they’re made for each other.


iveseenthelight t1_iydxsgq wrote

I don't think the amount of time you've been together is hugely important. Some people I know moved in after 2 weeks and are still together 15 years later.

That being said, yes, leave him, if he's wanking to kids he's a nonce.


Antique_Tool_1800s t1_iydsn88 wrote

It's not anything illegal which is good, it's a bit strange and maybe worth a conversation if you feel so strongly about it.

BUT, it's just an anime cartoon, there are a lot of people who like the pornographic version of anime, not my thing but to each their own. It's a big jump to assume from this that he is attracted to actual underage people. An accusation like that could ruin a life. So don't just throw it out there on a hunch

Millions of people watch hentai, the porn version of anime. The vast majority are not actually interested in school children, millions of people watch porn where women role play as school girls, again, it's not illegal and the majority wouldn't actually engage with someone underage. We don't even know for sure if he was thinking of the show when he was masturbating, it could have just been on in the background

If you bring it up he'll probably get very defensive, this doesn't prove anything though. If you were accused of being attracted to children when you aren't you probably would not respond very calmly, it's not something anyone wants to be linked with, and if you were, then you respond in a similar way but it would be lies to try get away with it.

So, in your position I'd try to look in his search history, or his bookmarks, look at who he follows on media platforms maybe. If everything seems OK then I'd leave it there, if not, obviously report to the necessary authorities, don't tell him anything as he will have time to get rid of evidence if you do


Final-Carpenter-1591 t1_iyds74u wrote

How do you know what show it is just by walking in? Sure it wasn't anime porn?


davidmacku t1_iydtwop wrote

Lol. He has a cartoon fetish. Big deal.


Guilty_Board933 t1_iye7isd wrote

first off this is not a kids show also feeling like this is a troll post bc how did u see the screen and immediately know it was my hero academia without knowing its not a kids show


drain7r t1_iyed256 wrote

you write this knowing nothing ab MHA it isn't about kids, there are plenty of busty characters, the "kids" in MHA do not look like kids, at most this is creepy, you are painting it as if he is a pedophile that was jerking off to a literal kids show showing like 10 year olds, calm down and speak to your boyfriend lol


nqnchungo t1_iyejzip wrote

Lmao guys pls dont feed the troll jesus. Pretty obvious bait post.


Laser_Brain_Dead t1_iydztp3 wrote

What is this the 1920s? Its an anime show with T&A. Do yourself a favor google "hentai" it'll blow your mind what a "kids show" can be.


handsume t1_iye2mpu wrote

Before I even got to the end I knew it was going to be anime lmao

Whatever. They're not real and it's a cartoon with a lot of fanservice.


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[deleted] OP t1_iyehq6d wrote

I like that show it’s getting good af


ohmRICE20 t1_iyf6ain wrote

You masturbate to GUMBALL



Alive-Insurance2662 t1_iyebtuf wrote

Look, a few different scenarios may be true:

  1. He was jacking off to a children’s show that isn’t meant to be porn. Consequence: look into his browsing history and see what he’s been watching.
  2. He was bored and just started jacking off while watching his show.
  3. He’s using his private time in ways you’re uncomfortable with and need to have a frank conversation about boundaries.

All or none of these may be true at once.

I’d talk to him about it and say you’d like to see his browsing history because what you saw was uncomfortable for you, it was an accident that you walked in; and because of what you saw, you feel like looking through his browsing history on both his phone, computer, and other devices will give you some peace of mind.

Assuming nothing super sketch is in his browsing history, lay down some boundaries regarding his “alone time.”

Are you ok with him watching porn in general? If not, voice your concern about it.

Are you ok with him jacking off when he says he’s up to other stuff? If not, voice your concern about it.

There are lots of things that might be going on, but if you’re concerned he’s watching kiddie porn, you need to find out.


Neonpinx t1_iyel443 wrote

Yes break up with him. You have known him for only 10 months and you are now finding out who he is. I would be making arrangements to move out immediately. Staying will come with finding out more disturbing and disgusting things about him.


Kooky_Independent656 t1_iydq88d wrote

Check his computer to make sure he's not watching other stuff involving kids


janchar t1_iydyp2l wrote

Creepy regardless


imthesecurityman422 t1_iydpzrm wrote

That is absolutely creepy, sounds to like your boyfriend has pedophile tendencies and now you have to think about what "other" types of stuff he is jerking off too


peach24cobbler t1_iydv8ju wrote

you should ask him about it and let him know how it made you feel. not sure what his explanation would be but i would find it weird too. people always say “it’s just a cartoon/not real”, “they’re teenagers/of legal age in their country”. but that doesn’t make it not weird! if you’re uncomfortable with it that’s totally understandable.
