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pineboxwaiting t1_iydpgik wrote

Why do people move in together so quickly?

Yes, leave him.



Argentina4Ever t1_iydqc3k wrote

Moving in is perfectly fine and even preferable so you learn who the other person is fast, just do not ever marry xd


pineboxwaiting t1_iydszqd wrote

Not at the 9 month mark. When things go to hell (like this), it’s much more difficult to break up and walk away than it would otherwise be.


PaleAsFuck90 t1_iydtikr wrote

So how long should one wait? For me it took 3 and a half year until I realised my first ex was trash.


nashamagirl99 t1_iyei4vo wrote

The title overstates the situation. It’s a generally popular anime and he was masturbating while watching, not necessarily to the show. Also she’s gotten off on Amazing World of Gumball porn so if it was to the show it seems like they’re made for each other.


iveseenthelight t1_iydxsgq wrote

I don't think the amount of time you've been together is hugely important. Some people I know moved in after 2 weeks and are still together 15 years later.

That being said, yes, leave him, if he's wanking to kids he's a nonce.