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Seemedlikefun t1_iycqou4 wrote

Take a step back and look at this from a different perspective. What other changes have been happening that you haven't been paying attention to? This is not taking place in isolation. Her disregard for what you like and find attractive about her appearance didn't stop overnight. You need to look for patterns of both yours and her behavior changes, and pull on that thread. Regardless of the true reason, these are major red flags including the 10 year time frame. I'll not tell you what I think is going on, because your gut is screaming at you enough that you are posting here.


Rocking_Red_Reaper_ t1_iycu0x7 wrote

Lol when I heard major appearances changes, I think we all know what that is typically a sign of.

Anyone think he should take a look at phone records any time soon?


Seemedlikefun t1_iydw0nj wrote

Damn! You spooked him and he deleted his post and is now hiding under the AP soiled bedsheets Shame on you for telling him a truth! Shame on you.


Rocking_Red_Reaper_ t1_iydwezz wrote

Lol 😆 🤣

Maybe a little fear will wake him up.

Fair enough though, I do deserve the shame. Sometimes I am to blunt and to much of an asshole for my own good.