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FatTony394 t1_iyenfhk wrote

You share a home and a life with a partner of 8 years. Giving room for another person to get between you is cheating. You've given oxygen to these feelings. Every conversation, message sent, meme shared, and stolen moment with this person is a conscious decision to betray your partner. This isn't an innocent crush where you like a coworker's personality and the way that their booty fills out their jeans. You've made many many small choices to get closer to this other person.


Sad_Tiger_5068 t1_iyeqgli wrote

To be fair, I talk to many coworkers and send stuff to them over text/DM/ etc. I haven’t crossed a line in talking about personal life things over text. I honestly would be okay if my partner saw these texts as they do the same with their coworkers and classmates.

The feelings yes, not okay.


FatTony394 t1_iyermv5 wrote

Context is everything. These interactions are inappropriate because of your feelings and these feelings exist because of these interactions. Sending a McRib Meme isn't a problem on its face, but when he wants to put his reconstituted pork product in your sesame seed bun that meme is slathered in the BBQ sauce of betrayal.