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demidev3092 t1_iyf2eyg wrote

you havent physically cheated in other words but you have emotionally cheated on this person. And like others mentioned youeve said your coworker more than your significant other...your partner is clearly secondary and not priority. has your partner expressed any concern towards this work relationship? if so, how did you respond? have you come to your partner about any of this yet? i am genuinely curious because i myself feel like the outsider looking in with my boyfriend and his coworker so i as well am looking for insight ,not to be a bitch. the are the consequences you say your aware but why have you continued to cross boundaries and allow this to grow into something more..your pulling away from your partner..stop allowing yourself to stoop so low. Stop making excuses, stop pitying yourself, stop being selfish. you need to put your focus into your significant other.You need to change yourself if you want your relationship to work. if you havent caused trauma yet ..your about to go down shits creek and i could only imagine the hell you will create. ive been on all sides of need to limit contact with your honest with your partner, open up to them about this problem. it may hurt them but man honesty and truth that shit is powerful and she will thank you. and i only hope she will stand by you and you prove to her that you love her. look at it from the other persons perspective being on the outside of the relationship looking in at this relationship with your more concerned about the damage to your relationship w your so and not the feelings of your coworker , understand you are not an innocent party here. i mean no disrespect when i type any of this as well . better to acknowledge it now and take the appropriate measures to save your relationship and your partners sanity


Sad_Tiger_5068 t1_iyf3gfr wrote

My partner doesn’t have an issue with me going out to work functions & I have mentioned this coworkers name a few times. My partner often hangs out with people of the attracted sex. Messages, etc. anything to this extent? Probably not. I do apologize if my comments seem like I am playing the victim. I truly don’t mean to come off that way, I know I am the issue. I have created an epic issue that isn’t going to go away. But only dealt with. I have gone to my partner about not being happy with our sex life & it is usually pushed aside & not taken as a priority. I have even thought maybe I was gay, the reason for this is because I seemed so bored in bed & with our relationship but discovered I may just be bored & that’s it. Craving something different. My sexual needs aren’t met & I should have let go of this relationship sooner. For the sake of all of this. & now since I didn’t I fucked up. Thank you for your thoughtful & actual depth full response.


Upstairs_Return6106 t1_iyf9s85 wrote

It's best if you simply break up...and move on with your life... you've tried communication with your partner and it didn't now just break up and move on It's what best for both of you

Life is short