Submitted by Chemical-Floor-7867 t3_z92jlu in relationship_advice

Would you find it weird if a guy in a relationship picked up and dropped off a female coworker from work and her home everyday, hung out with at her home alone, go shopping with her, texted her everyday, gets worried when he messages her back late but doesn't with his gf, and worries about oversleeping when they're supposed to go out for lunch or something? Am I crazy for feeling uncomfortable?



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LifetimeTraveler t1_iyemwim wrote

Sounds obsessive imo. If my male bff were calling me everyday, texting me everyday, and prioritizing hanging out with me over his significant other I would no longer be his friend. It's not okay to feel neglected in a relationship because your partner is putting a lot of his energy into another girl.

Oh and if they're so close....why don't the 3 of you just hang out together? Seems like a very weak relationship.


Annonymous1984 t1_iyeoaw7 wrote

Initially I was like sure, that’s fine. Then I got to the ‘hung out at her home’, ‘go shopping with her’ and ‘texts her everyday’ and I was like errrrrrr no. You are definitely not crazy for being uncomfortable about this.

You have three choices:-

  1. confront him and make him make a choice (be aware he could well choose her)
  2. you dump him and move on
  3. you deal with it and stay with him

Personally, I’d say either 1 or 2, because there is no way I’d be accepting that.


Sunshin3Honey t1_iyemdw2 wrote

This definitely doesn't sound like a normal co-worker relationship at all. Carpooling sure, spending additional time together all the time, not normal.


907donut t1_iyerdve wrote

Kinda seems like emotional cheating.. sounds like it’s time to set some boundaries and figure out if his feelings towards her are platonic or romantic


Neat-Internet9682 t1_iyf1r44 wrote

It sounds like you are the side chick. He should be doing those things for you. Show him this thread.


stunninsaturn t1_iyenods wrote

Wait how do you know who is the gf and who is the coworker? Are you a maid at his house?


treacle1810 t1_iyesd3a wrote

you sure your not just the bit on the side? confront him ffs


biteme717 t1_iyfdmky wrote

He wouldn't be my BF anymore, I would set him free!!!


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Shibui50 t1_iyem4z1 wrote


Next Question?


Emergency_Power7589 t1_iyen13e wrote

That's madness, ask him what if it was your male coworker doing that to you?


demidev3092 t1_iyezrix wrote

nip that right in the ass now. from experience and observance i think you are very justified in how and what you are feeling. boundaries if any have been and are being crossed if not full blown already. i dont trust the explanation of that work relationship ...the truth there its unacceptable


jsun1973 t1_iyemkcm wrote

Maybe they are friends and not just coworkers?