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petulafaerie t1_iyenj5l wrote

My husband and I are in our 30s and have definitely lost our temper and sworn at each other before. Tempers run high in an argument, and often especially when there’s been miscommunication because not feeling understood is a separate frustration of it’s own. Once we’ve both had a chance to cool off we apologise and talk it out calmly and respectfully.


Ok-Paramedic-6472 t1_iyenzzk wrote

Thank you for this 😅 Really puts things into perspective, although as this is the first time it still does kinda hurt. I felt like I deserved it if someone as kind as her had to cuss me out. Maybe I should do a self check too.


petulafaerie t1_iyeokxm wrote

It really sucks when you have a silly argument because of miscommunication that spirals a bit out of control, which is sort of what this sounds like. Arguments suck in general, I’m sure you two will work through this one :) and maybe even figure out some better ways to communicate with each other as a result!