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stereonix t1_iyei1g3 wrote

She's not meeting your emotional needs/is not emotionally available enough for you, and you'd be better off focusing your energy on someone who gratefully receives it and reciprocates it.

A guy I'm talking to is doing the same shit to me right now.


Guzzleman OP t1_iyej42w wrote

I'm sorry you're going through that, and thank you for your advice and the time you took to read me venting lol.

This advice has and will definitely help me, I can't thank you enough.

In your opinion, is this something I could have a talk with her about, or should it just be left alone?


stereonix t1_iyejgzx wrote

You've only been talking for a month, I don't think she'd really value your opinion enough to change her behavior or somehow magically become emotionally available/present.


Guzzleman OP t1_iyejmgg wrote

I agree with you 100%, thanks again for the advice!


stereonix t1_iyejsem wrote

Good luck dude! You deserve someone who enjoys talking to you :)