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NoseyOsprey t1_iyclqij wrote

Everybody chiiiiill lol this is obviously a troll. Everything about this screams for attention. Even if she was ignorant and woke washed enough to not realize how hypocritical and self centered this is she (if it's really a she) wouldn't have phrased it like that. This person's been fishing for attention ever since daddy went out for cigarettes back in 92. Option 1, this is a dude and he most certainly typed this with ghost, gangly white knuckles poking through fingerless black cotton gloves that match the rest of black antifa starter kit he's rocking. Except for the dirty, dollar store boxer briefs that failed the sniff test a week and a half ago when he turned them inside out. He's just goten back to moms basement from the BLM highway blockage so he can microwave some off brand pizza bites and impersonate some nypho teen girl that obviously needs life advice and to have her front hole welded shut like a Chinese apartment complex during zero covid lockdowns. It's most likely the girl that made fun of him in middle school for crying after she thought he was a goth girl and asked him for a tampon in home room. He's not sure if it's the crying or the visualization of her calling him a "little bitch crybaby" that he's needed to cum for the 10 years since then because both of those things have accompanied every one of the pocket lint sized ropes he's been throwing 3 times a day into his mom's old couch In the basement he calls his "APARTMENT" LOL

OK OK Option 2. I'm wrong.. not only am i wrong and she did it , but she asked the question genuinely and unaware of what she was in fact saying. So generations upon generations have forgone the path of least resistance and delayed gratification in the braudest version of the saying. They took the job with the benefits and made the bed because thats what you did. They cared about what aging parents thought and as those parents aged more, the rolles reversed and they cared for those that cared for them. Note to the young readers, i dont mean that they got uber eats for mom and dad or gave them a ride to bingo.. ASSES GOT WIPED. It's not really an act of service until shits involved and make no mistake kidos, shit is a constant theme in life and its only for the brief middle part that we can clean it up ourselves. As for the parental assholes, you wiped them, because thats what you did. They had plenty of flaws, of course, as every group in history, no matter how pure their intent.
But they also believed in this ever evolving way of life enought to go to war for it. They fought for what was right, as what was right became clear to them, and they changed course when mistakes had been realized.They fought overseas, sometimes for a belief that while our system isn't perfect, it's the bright path forward that would allow us to shape our own future and provide us and the generations after, the chance at a life never known to any people in recorded history. They fought here, amongst our own towns, farms,and families. Sometimes against ourselves. All of that fighting and sacrifice. All of that adversity and steadfastness in the face of uncertainty. What drove it? I think it was driven by belief. Belief in a way of life that was moraly, politically, religiously and financially sustainable. Not perfect, but a place of religious freedom that is morality driven. A place where our elected officials had been in service to us, not the other way around. And a place where if I chose to exercise self control, not do certain things that I've been told since my youth will hold me back in life, and be willing to take risks when necessary while working my dick off. Then I would be successful.

Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times. G. Michael Hopf

I was reminded of the quote above when asking myself what this person I'm responding to (really it's to the readers of the post that crusty gym sock wrote) must be like? What must they believe? How must they view the world to have the perspective they do? I belive in equality of opportunity, not equality of outcome. I believe that nothing is free, everything's a tradeoff. I know this doesn't sound like it has anything to do with a self centered single mom of three to be, that is too ignorant to realize she's a rapist as described by the same nonsense ideological movments she blindly endorces and supports without a thought or interest in the effect that it will have on society as a whole. Buuuuuut, some really strong men and woman created the safest, wealthiest society that gives the most disadvantaged amongst itself, more economic mobility and chance of success then anyone in history or even undeveloped modern day peoples could imagine possible. Our poverty stricken object to the amount they received in EBT and cash relief on a smartphone! This is the softest, most entitled generation in the easiest time to have ever lived. No words in any number of languages could convey the level of incompetence or uneducated arrogance that has been allowed to spread through society because we're afraid. Afraid of being rude or offending anyone. My heart sinks as I try to imagine the depth of the struggle that would be created by the totally imaginary individual that would have to exist in order for the rapist that feels neglected to be real and actually want the internet opinion on how to help her out if this situation that she feels like she's been wronged in.

My moneys still on it being the troll of an antifa fingerless glove model that's currently learning that cinnamon chapstick is only an exceptable substitute for materbation lubricant until it gets in the urethra. That's when he'll really regret spending his last $11.74 on that sweet 'SILENCE IS VIOLENCE' sticker for his skateboard instead of classing up moms basement a bit with a bottle of Astroglide.

I digress... I think. I was gonna edit this to make it a little cleaner when I realized how long of a ramble I went on, but it's 4am and nobody gives a fuck so just deal with it like this poor guy has to deal with that sociopath dumpster fire of a girlfriend. 😘