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TyphoonCane t1_iyf9ux1 wrote

I'll be honest, I don't really care how you feel in this instance. It's not about you. It's about a trait you picked in a partner and now want him to be able to be a flashlight. It just does not work that way. Kindness gets shown to the people he interacts with. That is part of his essence. The kind man is kind because he wants to be good to others. His mom is part of it, you ma'am are part of it. You do not get to pick and choose when he is kind. You do not have that kind of controller. You get to pick him or not him. That's your locust of control.


imnobodyhavenobody t1_iyfakv6 wrote

But is it kind to constantly leave me? Let me down over and over? My issue really is that he’s not treating me with respect to please someone else. He’s so busy trying to be good to others who don’t care about him that he won’t do the same for me. I’d do anything for him I just want the same back