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commentator30 OP t1_iydydka wrote

I deleted them off my phone when he told me he saw them. They were in the hidden folder because after I’d film them at that time I hid them cause I didn’t wanna think about them. 3 months of us dating was online, and i hadn’t thought about that content being on my phone and him possibly seeing it.


thatoneguyfrom310 t1_iydz1mg wrote

Wow. So you recorded the videos ? Good luck getting out of this one. If I was in his shoes I would feel like shit too. Why is it that you can have sex with these guys in the videos you made, but not your own boyfriend ? You obviously don't like him that much. Stop wasting each others time and just break up.


thebooksqueen t1_iye1ca1 wrote

Just because he's her boyfriend doesn't mean she owes him sex. I know many women who have recordings of themselves, does it mean they don't value their partner? No. Does it mean, that because she's had sex with them she owes sex to her boyfriend? No.

(Most) women have a sexual history, hers just happens to be recorded. So can we stop shaming her for her choices please?

Also, pressuring your girlfriend, or anyone to have sex with you when she doesn't want to is kind of r*pey so can we just, you know, not?


thatoneguyfrom310 t1_iye2fyt wrote

Never once did I state that she owes her boyfriend sex ? I advise you read comments more carefully. I only said that's quite odd that she wouldn't with her boyfriend.

Next, I don't give a shit about her recording the experience. It's a stupid thing to have in your phone when you get into a relationship.

Lastly, I didn't comment on him "pressuring" her into sex. If she wants to have sex with him that's her choice.

Go somewhere else with that shit.


davidmacku t1_iye8dhy wrote

Imagine if a guy was excellent at giving head to girls. His girl finds out about it. She really loves it but he says “I only did that stuff when I was younger, I don’t really like doing it now.”