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schateu t1_iye9xqz wrote

You dont need to cut them out of your life altogether. But you def need to for a while. Until you feel good with chilling again and no hookup and just friends. Whenever you can picture them with someone else and you feel nothing, thats when it will be okay again. (Thats my rule anyway )

I understand tho. It sucks dude and im sorry you have to go thru this. But it will all be okay. Just not right away.


canadianbriguy1 t1_iyegr6n wrote

That is an excellent rule. I think a lot of feelings would be spared if more folks followed this!


schateu t1_iyeyf8m wrote

Why thank you kind stranger💁‍♀️ i do my best.


cornpxps t1_iyeblwe wrote

Yeah, good point. We actually decided to take some space while I think about it, but maybe I should continue until I get over my feelings.

But thank you, I really apprciate it. This is my first time falling for an FWB and wow, it really does suck lol