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IwishIcouldsaytohim OP t1_iyfazys wrote

Genuinely isn’t the love I miss anymore, it’s the company. I talk to my friends and I feel so bored. I don’t have anything in common with them, they don’t care about anything I care about. I find finding people I like to be so challenging, and it just feels so much easier to hang out with him. I’m really not trauma bound any more, though I know I was

Thank you for you comment though. You’re right that I shouldn’t go back


triaxisman t1_iyfdmps wrote

So you’re lonely, and instead of continuing to look for friends you can connect with you want to talk to someone you openly acknowledge was emotionally abusive? That’s better? Sorry, ngl, that sounds like you’re rationalizing reasons to just start things up again. I mean you can talk to him if you want, but I can’t imagine that working out well for you in the long run. Most likely he’ll get emotionally abusive again, you’ll have to reheal and then you’ve wasted more time on him that you could have spent trying to find people you do connect with that aren’t abusive.