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I-am-here-what-next t1_iyex7jy wrote

Before ending it outright, have a conversation with her. To you this is unbelievable, to her it was an acceptable behavior in the past that was encouraged. You two have a lot to talk about with boundary establishment and understanding each other better. Might be something that strengthens your relationship with improved communication instead of throwing it away because of your differences that were not discussed.


Technical-Market-771 t1_iyey5s1 wrote

But she is almost 30, if she was 18 your argument makes more sense, right?


I-am-here-what-next t1_iyeyuix wrote

Wrong. Being almost 30 if this was encouraged by others and often, it is more embedded in her brain as appropriate, even desired, behavior. You need to open your mind as well and realize not everything is black and white with you being correct just because you think so. If you didn't explain your boundaries and feelings about it, how can you rightly judge her? If you can't understand this concept of growth and learning, you may be in for a lot of bad relationships thinking the other person is always the problem.