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JFC_ucantbeserious t1_iyejake wrote

Get through what?

Are you angry that he failed to read your mind? Angry that he assumed that, since you’ve gone to male strip clubs and he’s been at parties with strippers before and you never said anything about not wanting him to go to strip clubs… that he did not magically intuit that you would be enraged over what sounds like a silly outing with the guys?

You sound controlling, high maintenance, and a bit toxic to be honest.


throwaway1127197 t1_iyejkz6 wrote

I understand he can’t read my mind. The issue is I think that we had originally planned for us to go out for a nice dinner that night to celebrate his birthday. But then his friend invited him out and he decided he wanted to go hangout with them instead. I just feel upset that he would rather go to a strip club than celebrate with me


ProtopetPhantom t1_iyek94b wrote

It’s his birthday you can always do something together on a different night.


Sad_Cry_981 t1_iyelquy wrote

Its wild to me that you checked his location so quickly, It almost seems like he didnt know what his friends had planned until they told him.

Where you upset that he didnt spend his birthday with you and thus decided to spend your evening stalking him? Interesting relationship.