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jsun1973 t1_iyf5cq9 wrote

Honey, you do you and never, EVER let someone force you or guilt you into doing something you aren't ready for. The time will come where you will be comfortable enough with someone to experiment.


calicoseriers t1_iyf7vy6 wrote

Yea, but I like this guy and he’s clearly interested in blowjobs since he all but flat out said the word lol. And I jokingly asked him if he wanted it and he said if he could he’d get on a plane and leave work


jsun1973 t1_iyf9n7n wrote

Well, sounds like you want to. If you do, cool. But don't feel pressured. That's not cool. To be honest, you really can't mess this up. Some of the other advice here is good for learning. If you want any explanations on any of it, pm me and I will explain. 😂

Have a great time!