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justhowitgoes13 t1_iy85pae wrote

Where I understand your point here, it is still crossing a line. I completely agree that people need to experience enough of life to know what they want and to be emotionally mature.

What I would be asking myself is after boot camp after these experiences, did she choose you and have there not been other indiscretions? Or has this been going on the entire time when you were deployed or at an ftx or a school for periods of time.

I am also in the military and unfortunately this is an extremely common problem across all ages and genders when one partner serves and the other doesn't. I personally would be more concerned about recent transgressions than what happened 10 years ago if youre happy. But If it's a common theme, I'd be out in a heartbeat.

Not gonna lie I just ended it with my fiance because I couldn't trust her that she would be faithful next time I deploy or go to ranger or anything like that. This is a hard one my guy but take your time to think it out.