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myWholeWifeIsaLie OP t1_iy87ago wrote

I don't think the std thing is currently an issue but everything else you said yea. I've been as spaced as I could. Not sure if it will heal cuz we've been together since middle school and its like we grew up together.Then It's like she went from "wife" to "someone else" almost instantly.


ctn028 t1_iy9euqq wrote

I had a relationship just like that. Together since school, high school sweethearts, all that. 4 years later I have a new finance, life is great, and this relationship is a million times stronger than that one ever was. Don't convince yourself you'll never move on. You will.


BisquickNinja t1_iy8ou1k wrote

I am sorry that this has happened to you, be sure you get yourself into therapy if you can. This is a difficult situation, just realize you are you and there is plenty of time to find someone who will be devoted to you and love you deeply.

Good luck and be above all, be gentle to yourself.


Creative_Recover t1_iyadu7x wrote

If she's cheated on you then you need to get tested. Some STD's like chlamydia can show no symptoms for years on end and left untreated, can cause infertility in both men and women alike.