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DimTimfromKew t1_iyavb1x wrote

I guess OP that the telling part in whether there is something that can be recovered from this is what your mindset is now.

That you have gone from seeing and thinking and feeling about her as your wife, to not is probably the most salient thing about this story. At this stage then the only thing you really can do (short of all the logistics about divorce, etc) is to address this one thing.

Can you see yourself ever falling back in love with her knowing what you know now.

For you, that is the number 1 question you have to ask yourself. Granted that if you asked right now we all know what your answer will be ("hell no" is probably it) and that's ok. However now is not the right time to ask this of yourself.

The best time to ask yourself this is once the emotions die down and the anger subsides. Give yourself a break from her for a few weeks/couple of months and then ask yourself this question.

And then depending on what your answer is then make your decision.

Doing this will mean that you won't have any regrets when the time comes to go either towards divorce or towards reconciliation.