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CoochieCoochieCoup t1_iyep48p wrote

Aw I think it’s cute that you both suck, it’s like a match made in hell.

Seriously tho, you keep bringing up what he did to you and trying to justify your actions because he did it first. But you completely lose the right to revenge and anger over it when you chose to continue your relationship. He did wrong, and you could’ve left, but you didn’t. You can’t move on from his actions or put the past behind you but you can use it to justify you getting even with him??? Yikes.


Living-Kiwi t1_iyeq1g3 wrote

I’m not justifying anything i know i fucked up I’m just explaining why i did what i did.. and why would I lose my right to anger? That’s honestly so stupid. My therapist tells me I’m justified in feeling that way. Yes i chose to stay with him but that doesn’t mean it erases everything