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AvalancheReturns t1_j2dhr1p wrote

Dont you allready know the answer to that question?


Tight-Cut-4606 OP t1_j2di5c3 wrote

I dont think it will ever be 100% trust. Is this enough to leave a marraige I don't know


Eh111986 t1_j2dkaa1 wrote

If he ever willing to respect your privacy and marriage he should get rid of the fantasy he have , by doing this he’s ruining the marriage .


SharralandaAndDennis t1_j2eokpy wrote

I personally believe you should trust your spouse 100%. That is enough to leave a marriage. If you don't believe you have to trust your partner 100% then you don't have to leave. This all depends on what you are comfortable with and how that affects your safety and happiness.


Own-Writing-3687 t1_j2elz3q wrote

It's his job to rebuild trust. You can't help him. Time alone can't. And he can't just say "trust me".

To motivate him he needs to believe you are willing to divorce rather than tolerate his behavior.

Talk to an attorney. The first hour is typically free. It sends a message that you're serious.