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CanterburyJaney t1_j2ffqoi wrote

Why would you ever agree to this? He is literally, and very clearly, telling you that your future is not important. Why would you agree to be with someone who doesn't think you're important?

You teach people how to treat you. If you've decided that your life isn't worth as much as his, then there's nothing anyone can say or do to help you. You have to decide that you're life is valuable and worth as much as anyone else's.

We can type "Dump this guy, go to college" until our fingers fall off. You're the one who has to live in your head and experience the consequences of your choices. If you are going to let this person designate his plans and his kid as more valuable than you're plans for your life, that's your choice to make. Personally, I think that's insane.

But, if I tell you what to do with your life, then I'm just doing the same thing he is.

You need to stop asking other people what to do with yourself and decide for yourself how much value your life has and if you're willing to fight for it.

Or maybe that's too much effort. Maybe it's just easier to let someone else tell you who you are and what to do with yourself. In that case, just forget about college and be his nanny until his daughter grows up and moves out. He totally sounds like the kind of guy to stay faithful and grateful to you for all your years of service. He totally won't hang you out to dry at 40 with no education, no job history and no money.


[deleted] t1_j2fg0d7 wrote



CanterburyJaney t1_j2fh372 wrote

Don't ask questions you don't want to know the answers to. Rude? You think I'm being rude? Honest. It's called reality. You may want to try it "Throwaway" You can't even use your actual account.

A dude is telling you to NOT GO TO SCHOOL so you can be a babysitter to his kid... Just listen to yourself.

The fact that you're even considering this is an insult to our entire gender. It's an insult to intelligent human beings everywhere.

Rude? Oh no. This isn't rude. What he suggested was rude. His whole plan for you is rude. The fact that you're annoyed with me and not him, is the reason there are men willing to even suggest this bullshit.

Rude? Oh no. This is a kindness. I bothered to tell you the truth. Come back in 20 years and read this again. Then tell me how rude you think I've been.


polthedol t1_j2fhxg2 wrote

Still not being rude :)


CanterburyJaney t1_j2fjprg wrote

ok.. that comment might have been slightly rude... but seriously though!

It pisses me off when people have perfectly good lives and potential futures and just toss them away for no reason.. like. How many people have fought to get away from oppression, then you have these people who are just lining up to be fitted for their shackles...

Like. We have so much in the world to fix... what if this girl has some untapped brilliance for cancer research, water purification, warp engine design, botany, I don't know, and we never find out because she never goes to college and this stupid guy just squashed our chances to have whatever she was going to come up with. I just want to shake these people like, Stop ruining our chances for cool people, dammit!

ok. I'll stop now. lol 😬


polthedol t1_j2fk4q5 wrote

Completely agree with you. Sometimes wish I could reach through my screen and shake the OP!!


[deleted] t1_j2fr12v wrote



KrNiTa t1_j2frhsz wrote

To be fair, you are using a throw away…


[deleted] t1_j2frqrb wrote



KrNiTa t1_j2frved wrote

You did…when you posted here looking for advice that you don’t want to take.

So, why bother posting here? My guess is troll/rage bait, or you really are that clueless to what’s happening here.


[deleted] t1_j2frz5d wrote



KrNiTa t1_j2fs4cj wrote

You’ve received 70+ comments worth of advice, so maybe you should take your own advice of “stop lying or go”.


[deleted] t1_j2fs779 wrote



KrNiTa t1_j2fsaug wrote

Because he’s a pedophile and preyed on a young teen with self esteem issues.


[deleted] t1_j2fss5o wrote



KrNiTa t1_j2ft0v5 wrote

Doesn’t make it any less gross, you were still a child.

I think you’re just a troll, honestly, which is truly sad.


[deleted] t1_j2ft8ys wrote



KrNiTa t1_j2ftjui wrote

Not attacking, just don’t understand why someone would bother asking for advice if they don’t want to hear it.

If the all of the comments here are saying the same thing, maybe you should reconsider where you’re at in your life. Just saying.


CanterburyJaney t1_j2fskw3 wrote

When was that even presented as a thing? Did I give you a false name or a false picture? No.

You're just grasping at straws. You don't have to listen to me or anyone else. But don't turn this around on me. You don't like what I'm saying fine. Throw your life away. My life is going to keep going in the exact direction it was going to go in.

It's your life that's at the crossroads. Who is going to be at fault when you don't get your degree? Me? Because you don't know my name?

Who's going to be at fault when you don't get to be whatever you actually wanted to be when you were a kid? Me? Because you don't know what my face looks like?

Who's side do you think I'm on? Why do you think I'm so salty right now? You're advocating for a damn guy who thinks you're worth more as a babysitter than as whatever you could be capable of in college. Think about that for a minute. He thinks that's the best use of your time.

I don't even know you and I'm pissed off because if you decide to throw your life away, our whole world loses out on whatever you could have been. I lose out. That little girl loses out. Even that dumbass guy loses out. You getting your education contributes to the whole world and because of his dumb, selfish ass, you're actually considering just... not doing it.

But, you know. Be mad at me.


polthedol t1_j2fhtfp wrote

I didn’t think they were rude at all… actually I think a lot more could be said….


tamileas69 t1_j2fknpj wrote

Not rude at all. It's a kindness. LISTEN. Everything said is the truth. Reality is hard to face, but if you don't face it now it's going to get MUCH worse