Submitted by ThrowRAnewyears2023 t3_1001gd6 in relationship_advice

Husband continues to cheat and lie about it. For context, my definition of cheating is exactly what he is doing: we are monogamous and I told him my boundaries are no flirting with other girls, no porn etc and nothing else sexual happening without me. He keeps crossing these boundaries.

I (Taylor, f 23) am married to husband (Matthew m 24). I’ll make this as short as possible. This is my first relationship. A while ago I found a credit card statement for a few times at a romantic hotel, iykyk. He claims once was for a friend in town as there were no available hotels which he proved. I tried to help him to dispute the other charges because he said they were bogus but he forbade me from calling the bank or hotel for him, he said it was fine and not a big deal. He has acted sus before so I went through his phone. It was full of porn, messages with other girls about meeting up for sex, and nonconsensual photos and videos of a lady he works with. After a week of being sick to my stomach I confronted him, he was furious and changed his passwords and has not allowed me to look at his phone since. He said if I loved him, I wouldn’t doubt him or accuse him. I feel horrible, but if I hadn’t done it did he expect me to live my life unaware of his infidelity? He promised he wouldn’t do it again. I still have my ways, and I don’t know who he is messaging, but I do know he is still watching porn and researching prostitution advertising websites. (Get a life bro) Ever since confrontation, I have asked him if he is still doing it and he denies it. But I have screenshots…Our sex life has become non existent and he claims it’s because he is tired from working (he does work full time and I understand) but does it make sense he claims to be a non sexual man and turn around to watch porn and look up “hookers in my area” in the middle of the night as I lay sleeping next to him? That’s so incredibly disrespectful right??? And I don’t even know if he is meeting these hookers cause he refuses to let me see his phone. We have life 360 and I haven’t seen anything out of the ordinary but I’m starting to become paranoid of what he is capable of doing…He says if I love him for real I wouldn’t want to look. That seems weird to me. We had a whole week alone as his parents went on vacation and we had the house to ourselves, we didn’t even make out. I know I have to respect his boundaries but I crave so bad to be touched by him and I don’t even know why, when he treats me like shit. I feel so unloved and heartbroken. I truly loved him, but now I feel so disgusted by him at the same time. I hate this so much! Problem is I am a stay at home wife with no income or other family to stay with. He also expects me to prepare his meals and take care of all of his things and clean everything because “all he does is work and I stay at home and do nothing”. I understand but it’s his attitude about it that irks me, he seems entitled almost. He complains when I don’t do things “right when he asks me”. I’ve never seen him prepare his own meal or clean anything in the house. I don’t want to be rude…(I am a full time student while he lies about being in school. He swears he went to school this semester but I asked around campus and no teacher had him this semester). He has a good paying job and I can barely keep a part time due to health problems. I have no idea what to do…I’ve asked him many times if he is not attracted to me then leave me. He doesn’t. It’s like he just wants the wife part without treating me like a wife. He is not romantic at all and makes no effort to spend time with me or bond. Brushes me off when I ask. I hate him and love him. I feel like it’s because I gained a lot of weight from my bc (I’ve never been pretty) and I’m unattractive to him…We’ve had many conversations about us and I asked if he wanted to continue talking to other girls that’s fine but we have to break up and he immediately said “okay I’ll help you pack” very fast…idek. Not to mention his personality…he is such a good liar and constantly gaslights me that I end up doubting myself! He is that good and convincing I almost thought he was the serpent satan lmao. He knows I prefer women but refuses to let me get a gf or hook up w other women while he gets to cheat? Nah I think not my guy. I asked for a gf so I can have some sort of attention and satisfaction bc I barely get to be with him but that’s “cheating”. I even offered to open the relationship so he can see other people but he must not want me to see other people cause he knows i prefer women. I hate men, they’re all the same. No man I have met has ever respected me. TLDR; husband continues to cheat, refuses to let me see phone but I have evidence and he denies every accusation. I admit I am not the perfect ideal partner and I have my issues, but damn bro, that was a real low blow.



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UhLeXSauce t1_j2evs76 wrote

You know exactly what to do. I hope writing it all out was the step you needed to start looking out for yourself.


SheBeeMe t1_j2eweyo wrote

Leave. Stop the dramatics, just leave and be done with him. Also, make an appointment to get checked out for STDs/STIs.


JanetInSpain t1_j2ewbo7 wrote

Reread this aloud as if you were reading it from someone else. You know exactly what you would tell them to do. Start 2023 without all the "baggage".


RudeEar5 t1_j2ey7s2 wrote

Paragraphs are nice.

(End the marriage.)


KrKrKr004 t1_j2ewbys wrote

What advice are you looking for? Either lose the trash or get yourself a pair of blinders because he is not and will not change. It's not rocket science.


gcitt t1_j2excj8 wrote

Get a divorce. Move into student housing for the spring to get your finances in order. One semester of extra student loans is worth your dignity and peace.


UnneccessaryC t1_j2exek7 wrote

>he treats me like shit
>makes no effort to spend time with me
>good liar and constantly gaslights me

These alone are break up offences. You do not have to put up with this. You are not stuck. Make an exit plan and follow through. Start with a part time job and stop catering to him at home. He's an adult and is responsible for himself.

Anytime someone says "if you love me, you would do..." it is a manipulation tactic. It works because you love them so you feel you need do whatever they are asking. The truth is, if you were in a healthy relationship, there would be openness and trust. You are not in a healthy relationship. This is not worth your energy.


RevolutionaryHat1790 t1_j2eyt40 wrote

so... are you asking something or just telling your story? Obviously you need to leave. He actively wants you to go.


[deleted] t1_j2f1l03 wrote

First you are too young for this, maturity wise. Frankly your relationship is barely on life support. It is the old, lets open the relationship so we can divorce faster. The marriage is over, he is a cheater, and a manipulator....Get out as fast as you can. Get finances in order, find an attorney, and get out. He will never respect you or treat you well.


Kooky_Protection_334 t1_j2f340z wrote

He keeps crossing boundaries because you let him. He will continue to cheat and lie because he knows he can get away with it. Get divorced. There are no other options unless you want to stay married and be continuously lied to and cheated on.


Timely_Froyo1384 t1_j2f73uf wrote

Did you marry him to be a keep woman in the life of luxury or is he just a common broke cheater.

Personally I would leave and go visit friends or family till he noticed. Then tell him it’s over.


ThrowRAnewyears2023 OP t1_j2fd0vn wrote

We’re both broke plus he took my savings to pay for a new car that I’m not allowed to drive so


shrimpfajita t1_j2f6inm wrote

You don’t need to see the phone. What are you hoping will happen?


ThrowRAnewyears2023 OP t1_j2fd63n wrote

That I can find actual evidence of him sleeping around


[deleted] t1_j2fitdv wrote

Was everything else you’ve found not evidence enough????? Are you crazy? What other evidence do you want? Do you need to see his dick in another girl with your own eyes? Honey this man was cheating on you, is currently cheating on you, and will continue to cheat on you if you don’t leave. Please wake up and see that.


shrimpfajita t1_j2fr3dc wrote

You already know so what difference is that going to make