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TheLeaves16 t1_j2fmqww wrote

I know how you're feeling here, and I have felt this way in the past. But...if I'm judging from your post alone, this is not what he's indicating. This is anxiety and insecurity and filling in the blanks in your mind. That's not a criticism of you. We all do it to some extent. We guess what people might be thinking or saying, and our minds come up with hurtful answers to those situations.

I have been with my partner for about 15 years now, but I remember lots of tears of assumptions I made like this. I would even frame it that way to him in an accusatory way. I was young. I was insecure a lot. We were new. Etc. Etc. Happens to the best of us. We met when we were 16. Haha. But my point is that over time and growth in the relationship, I realized the best method really was for me to say: Hey, when X happened, this is what went through my mind. Can you help me understand if this is true?

Overall, it sounds like he thinks you're beautiful, but overthinking really gets the best of us sometimes.