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seekeroftruth2020 t1_j2dpnj6 wrote

Some people make really great friends - and terrible partners. He's 30. Chances are its pretty set in stone at this point. This is who and what he is. Non-commital. He had a go at being monogomous and it took him all of a few seconds to start fucking around. What he wants is a stable partner, who will turn a blind eye to his nonsense. He tried you out. You didn't like it. One things for certain though, he might like you a whole lot, but that man does not love you.


giag27 t1_j2dtoxt wrote

⬆️⬆️⬆️ this!!!! And flowers and ur favourite snacks won’t change the fact that he’s cheater.


seekeroftruth2020 t1_j2duxwv wrote

I can walk down to the local gas station right now and grab some flowers and snacks. Doesn't mean jack shit.